Mobile apps continue to become more and more essential to the daily lives of Canadians. Since 2019, according to’s annual “State of Mobile” report for 2023, average hours spent on mobile per day in Canada has risen from just over 3 hours a day to 4.6 hours a day – an almost 50% increase. And Digital Health apps have become even more important since the COVID-19 pandemic changed how we access healthcare services.

Given this, if you’re operating in the Healthcare industry, are you wondering whether you should build or replace a mobile app for your business in 2023? Here are some essential questions to consider:

  1. Does a mobile app align with your 2023 and beyond goals?

As the world has changed dramatically in the past few years, it’s important to take a step back and consider how your business and customers have evolved and adapted to those changes. What are your primary goals for the year to come? Is the way you operate different from how it was several years ago? Consider whether a mobile app can help you achieve your evolving goals, particularly in the healthcare industry, which has begun focusing heavily on service innovations (like artificial intelligence, virtual health and remote patient monitoring) that enhance mobile health app products and provide new and improved forms of healthcare services.

  1. Do your customers REALLY want or need a mobile app?

The second thing to consider is whether your customers (or patients) want or even need a mobile app. Conducting customer interviews and user research can help you identify if your customers will really see enough value in a new app that would justify a significant investment. Take the time to ask your customers whether a mobile health app will bring additional value to their lives and further improve their of your product, whether users, customers, or patients will find value in having this functionality on their phones or tablets, and whether there are new mobile-only features that can make your current service or product offerings even better.

  1. Do you have the resources to build a mobile app?

Finally, consider whether you have the right resources to build a mobile app. You can choose to have an internal team of designers and developers build an app (if you have an existing team), you can hire more designers and developers to build it, or you can outsource the project to a mobile app agency. Each option has its own pros and cons, and it’s important to weigh them carefully before making a decision. 

Far too often overlooked though is the most precious resource: your time. We work with our clients to prepare them for the time and energy investment required to deliver a really successful app.

Check out Should you outsource your digital health app development or build it in-house? to learn more about these options.

Building a mobile app for your business in 2023 can be a smart move if it aligns with your goals and – importantly – your customers’ needs. However, it’s prudent to carefully consider whether you have the resources to do so and which option is best for your company.

Good news is that we’re here to help. Our Director of Client Experience will gladly meet with you to discuss your needs and ideas. Book a chat now

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