News and insights on mobile app development, design, and digital healthcare
Imagine if you could tap into the library, or mind of the best UX designers or Product designers in the industry to gain knowledge that could shape your career. Or better than that… What if you could tap into the library of seven great startup and product designers and dive into the books that… Read more
We’re excited to announce that MindSea was again named as a leader among Canadian Mobile App Developers and the Top Halifax App Developer by B2B ratings and review firm Clutch. As a Mobile App Developer for many years, it’s exciting to be included in this list of great Canadian Mobile App Developers & Designers. For… Read more
Notifications not only provide you an interactive channel to engage users, they have also become one of the most highly used features of iOS. As a result, Apple announced a significant investment in notifications this year at WWDC. Notifications not only provide you an interactive channel to engage users, they have also become one of the most highly… Read more
Instead of re-creating the front page of a Web site in the form of a mobile app, Bustle and Breaking News engage users with personalisation and push notifications that have resulted in high App Store ratings and increased usage. It’s no secret publishers have an on-again, off-again relationship with apps. They’re de rigueur one minute,… Read more
Mobile Web outpaces mobile native app growth, but those who use apps tend to remain engaged in the content, on average, 18 times longer than on mobile Web sites. Reposted from the INMA Mobile Strategies Blog. Last month, INMA offered news publishers a glimpse at a collaborative and interconnected future on the Microsoft campus in… Read more
It can often be a depressing reality to discover you don’t automatically get an audience when you launch an app. The truth is, mobile app growth takes time. Creating an app that grows and succeeds requires long-term planning and maintenance that incorporates tracking analytics, gathering user feedback, and establishing a digital marketing solution. Your product… Read more
In this post we explore ways to increase mobile app retention directly using notifications and discuss how to create habit-forming products. What benefit do you offer those using your product to make them return day after day? In this article, we explore ways to increase mobile app retention using notifications and how to create habit-forming products.… Read more
We’ve used a number of mobile prototyping tools over the years to go from initial concept to interactive prototype. We’ve used a number of mobile prototyping tools over the years to go from initial concept to interactive prototype. Most of them were decent enough, but they were all lacking in some way which kept us… Read more
What sets apart the good from the great? In our experience it’s great design and an unparalleled user experience, improved further with helpful mobile app support. What does customer support currently mean to your business and it’s unique needs? Mobile app support tools offer options with seemingly every feature pre packaged. It can be difficult to… Read more
iPad Pro, along with Apple Pencil has completely changed the way we work. It’s saving us time by allowing us to iterate on designs much more quickly, and it fits into our current workflow like a glove. Read more