News and insights on mobile app development, design, and digital healthcare
With an increasing number of mHealth apps hitting the market, many tech companies are being forced to think about how they secure the data that’s transmitted via their software. If you’re in the process of building a mHealth app, you may have heard the term HIPAA compliance. What you may not know is whether it… Read more
Are you looking to build a mobile app? Look no further! In the infographic below, we walk you through the 10 steps for building your very own mobile app. From validating your riskiest business assumptions to optimizing and maintaining your app years down the road, we’re making the process a bit easier for anyone planning… Read more
1,434 and 6,140—if we go by Statista reports, that’s the average number of iOS and Android apps, respectively, that were released per day from the third quarter of 2016 to the first quarter of 2018. Let’s look at another statistic to get more perspective. In 2017, the number of apps downloaded was 178.1 billion. In… Read more
For most companies, when it comes to building a mobile app, some features come about quite naturally—for example, you can’t build an app without some kind of navigation. Some features contribute to the appeal of the app—think social integration. Then there are those features that don’t get as much attention. Perhaps they aren’t visible to… Read more
From meditation apps to wearable fitness trackers, there are so many ways that mobile technology is improving our lives day in and day out. The benefits range from cheaper, quicker medical assistance and medication delivery to simplified data collection for medical practitioners—in other words, greater convenience for patients and healthcare providers alike. But it’s the… Read more
One of the most exciting things about technology is that it’s always evolving. We’re long past Xerox’s experiments with a graphical user interface in the 1970s, and further still from the printed output of the first computers. It’s amazing to think that 15 years ago, PalmPilots and Blackberries weren’t even able to render images, but… Read more
Many times, we take for granted the fact that running a business is really difficult. This is especially true in the startup world, where a company’s future is tied to creating a product with features that people will actually use. “If you build it, they will come,” is a quote from Kevin Costner in Field… Read more
Many developers choose to focus on growing their user base by investing vast resources into acquiring new users. But user acquisition is only one part of the story – engaging and retaining these users is just as valuable for success. Various studies suggest that apps are shedding over 70% of users in as little as… Read more
Companies design and develop new products every day, only to come to the harsh conclusion that nobody wants what they’re offering. Often, this realization comes too late – when the product is launched and loads of resources have been dispensed. If that sounds like a nightmare, we’re with you! But the good news is –… Read more
So you want to build an app. You have a long list of incredible features that you want to include, and you’ve got the financials to do so. You might be thinking: Let’s build every feature out and release it to the world, yeah? You’re probably thinking that without the entire feature set you’ve dreamt… Read more