• 5 Reasons To Develop Your App for iOS 8

    iOS 8 is scheduled to be released this Fall, and we’re excited about the new app development possibilities it brings. Some of our favourites include inter-app communication, home automation, health management, and new location-based services. As of iOS 8, Apple is also giving app developers access to App Store sales and visitor analytics through iTunes… Read more

    5 Reasons To Develop Your App for iOS 8
  • Downscaling Huge ALAssets Without Fear of SIGKILL

    With the latest release of Etchings, we wanted to support high resolution output. This means reading high-res versions of images from the camera roll, but not blowing our memory limits if the user selects a 30MP monstrosity. We came up with a way to get a smaller version of any ALAsset without having to first… Read more